Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly News 本周简报 2015-10-05

今天我们欢迎了两位新同学,Melinda和程. 我们也感谢Angela来做我们班的助教:-)
今天我们学习了第三课凡尔赛宫The Versailles Palace的前部分。这一课用了丰富多彩的形容词描述了凡尔赛宫的富丽奇巧。这些词对我们在美国长大的同学们需要花时间理解。今天,同学们上课都很遵守纪律,积极朗读课文,勇跃回答对课文中的形容词的理解。

课文翻译:In the town of Versailles, France(法国), south of Paris(巴黎以南), there is a big and beautiful garden(园林). There is a famous(有名) building(建筑) in the garden , called the Palace of Versailles. It was formerly the French Empire Palace(王宫),now the National Museum(博物馆) .
Versailles has more than seven hundred halls(大厅) and rooms. In these Halls and the rooms, there are a lot of cultural relics(文物,something of sentimental value , artifact ,or archeological remains) . The most interesting thing is the Mirror Gallery(镜廊,镜厅) , also known as the Hall of Mirrors . There are many paintings in the hall(镜廊,镜厅) . Open the window , green garden scenery outside the window reflects in the mirror hall(窗外的园林景色映入镜中). When you standing in the hall, it is like you are standing in a beautiful picture (就如同身在画中一样)!
Palace inside is beautiful, outside garden is more beautiful. The park has an canal (man made river) crossing by. It also has the bright and calm lake明净的湖 , green trees, chirping birds and beautiful flowers鸟语花香, trees shadows on the lake湖光树影 . The view is like a beautiful painting风景如画 , very charming十分迷人.
唐慧琳同学写了并给我们读了一个生动的小故事,她的故事写得栩栩如生。琳琳同学写了给她的玩具狗🐶koko的一封信. 信的内容很有生动趣 。其他同学加油!希望你们也开始练习写作文。
唐慧琳::100 +100(作文), 琳琳:100+100(作文),刘佳西: 100 ,林畅: 100 
唐慧琳:9分 ,琳琳: 8分, 刘佳西 :7分, ,林畅:9分,Melinda:8分,程怡:8分
1,做作业本A, Melinda ,程怡(新同学)和Neko (因为缺课)第三课做一半,其他同学第三课做2/3


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