
博物                                                                  Museum
建筑                                                                       building
有名                                                                       famous
文物                                                                       relics, artifact
建筑                                                                       building
有名                                                                       famous
就如同身在画中一                      it is like you are standing in a beautiful picture
鸟语花香                                                             chirping birds and beautiful flowers
的湖                                                             bright and calm lake           
景如画                                                             view like a beautiful painting
湖光                                                             trees shadows on the lake
十分迷人                                                             very charming
园林                                                                       Garden
树林                                                                       Trees
竹林                                                                       bamboo forest
山林                                                                       mountain forest
                                                                      empire Palace
王室                                                                       Royal Family 
王后                                                                       Queen
王子                                                                       Prince
王位                                                                       Throne
国王                                                                       King
女王                                                                       Queen
                                                                      Living Room
这些                                                                       These
有趣                                                                       Interesting
兴趣                                                                       Interest
趣味                                                                       Taste, Interest
镜厅                                                                      Hall of Mirrors
镜片                                                                       Lens
镜子                                                                       Mirror 
窗子                                                                      Window
窗外                                                                       outside Window
 窗口                                                                      window
映入                                                                       Reflect into
反映                                                                       report to some one
放映                                                                       Show
如同                                                                       As if
如果                                                                       if
比如                                                                       for example
这些书                                                                  these book
那些                                                                       those
一些人                                                                  some people
穿衣                                                                  Full lens mirror
                                                                       eye glasses
老花                                                                 reading glasses (normally for old people )
远镜                                                                  telescope
门窗                                                                      Windows and doors
 开窗                                                                      open the window

关窗                                                                       Close the window

博物                                                                  famous                                                    
有名                                                                       relics, artifact
文物                                                                        building
建筑                                                                       chirping birds and beautiful flowers
有名                                                                       Museum
就如同身在画中一                      bright and calm lake           
鸟语花香                                                             famous
的湖                                                             it is like you are standing in a beautiful picture
景如画                                                             mountain forest
湖光                                                             Garden
十分迷人                                                             Trees
园林                                                                        trees shadows on the lake
树林                                                                        very charming
竹林                                                                       Royal Family 
山林                                                                        view like a beautiful painting
王室                                                                       Prince
王后                                                                       empire Palace
王子                                                                       bamboo forest
王位                                                                       woods
国王                                                                       Queen
女王                                                                       Living Room
这些                                                                       Taste, Interest
有趣                                                                        Window
兴趣                                                                       for example
趣味                                                                       These
镜厅                                                                      Interesting
镜片                                                                       outside Window
镜子                                                                       Mirror 
窗子                                                                       Hall of Mirrors
窗外                                                                       Lens
 窗口                                                                      Reflect into
映入                                                                       Show
反映                                                                       As if
放映                                                                       window
如同                                                                       report to some one
如果                                                                       those
比如                                                                       Interest
这些书                                                                  eye glasses
那些                                                                        telescope
一些人                                                                  reading glasses
穿衣                                                                   (normally for old people )some people
                                                                     Full lens mirror
老花                                                                  these bok
远镜                                                                 Windows and doors
门窗                                                                        if
 开窗                                                                      Close the window
关窗                                                                       open the window

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