Sunday, May 15, 2016

2016-05-15 美丽的春天

我们这学年(中文第五册)将对教学方式有所改变。根据我们中文班几个家长和中文学校校长讨论和我们班的具体情况,我们将会注重于阅读,并加上中文娱乐性地学习, 比如,中文游戏,中文電影等。



1, 看一部中文影视(请家长签字):

2. 写一篇有关春天的作文。

你对春天是什么感觉?比如,暖洋洋,凉快,春雨,树叶都长出来了,花开了,不用穿厚衣服了,等等。What you feel about Spring? warm, cool, the leaves are growing green, the flowers blooming, take off a thick jacket, put on spring cloth, and so on.


What do you see in the Spring that you do not see in the winter? For example, small animals, birds, Ducks, geese, birds come to the woods and pond and settled down laying eggs, raising babies.

3. 阅读作业(也是作文的参考)---请家长签字:
Spring is coming.  The sun shines upon the earth. People take off the thick winter clothes and put on  the light spring clothes.
Spring is coming. Jasmine flowers blossom, a bright golden color, and they are really beautiful; the peach flowers blossom, bright red, like a fiery dawn; pear flowers blossom, snow white, like white clouds.
Willows are growing, spring wind blows, a green wicker like a long braid, it is like a little girl dancing in the wind; the green grass stuck his head gently from the ground. Forest quietly put on green clothes. 
I love flowers, and love spring that is full of life.

大地脱掉了雪白的旧衣,换上了绿色的新衣。绿绿的小草从土里探出了头,好奇地向春姑娘打着招呼。五颜六色的真是美极了!春风吹拂着嫩绿枝, 跟着春风姑娘摇动着满头的长发。河里的冰块随着天气的暖和慢慢地融化了,没过多久就从河里听到了欢快的歌声。


Cold winter passed, The spring girl is walking gently to the world.

The earth took off the white clothes, put on brand new green clothes. Green grass stuck his head out of the ground curiously saying  hello to the spring girl. Colorful flowers, you are so beautiful! Spring breeze blowing green leaves, like the spring girl shaking his long hair. The ice on the river slowly melted as the weather is warmer. We hear the cheerful noise from the river.

A hibernation mother frog, jump into pond and took a bath, while the birds flying in the sky singing merrily. Squirrels jumping from branch to branch. The children take off a thick jacket, put on pretty  spring cloth, playing hide and seek in the park. The adults brought delicious food picnic in the park, from time to time looked up at these lovely children.

Ah, spring, you're a fun season!

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