Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-11-23

We had Thanksgiving break last week:-) Happy Thanksgiving!

This week, we finished studying Lesson 4 second part. Everyone memorized the lessons.

We had the quiz for Lesson 4. Here is the quiz result:
Andrew: 98
Neko: 98
Selena: 100
Linlin: 80

Thanks Selena helped Linlin reviewed the missed words and Linlin wrote the missed words three times:-)

Here is the class score:
Andrew: 30 (coming late)
Neko: 36
Selena: 38
Linlin: 38

This week's homework is Lesson 4 the second part. Selena had already completed her Lesson 4! She can do some extra reading:)

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