Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-10-26

Please click here to see the review for quarter 1 exam. Please print them out. We will spend two weeks to review it:

1. This week, you should spend at least 15 minutes to do the questions. Do as much as you can.

2. This Sunday, each student will continue doing the review questions for 1 hour. (Note. I will not come to the class because we will go to the swimming competition at 12 pm). You can do it in the classroom with a parent helper or you can do it at home.

3. Next week homework is to compete all the exam questions. Please divide the rest to 5 days.

4. Next Sunday is the Quarter one exam!

Chinese School will provide us the money to buy the the rewards (the first time in the CCCGA Chinese School history:-)

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