Monday, July 7, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-07-06

Happy 4th of July! We did not have the Chinese Class yesterday (Sunday).D

  1. 请同学们背诵和解释第一课课-->第三课金句。
  2. 每天练习三分钟“儿童圣经故事”. Each day, the student should practice/memorize 1-3 sentences accumulatively.
    day one, sentence 1-3,
    day 2, sentences 1-5,
    day 3 sentences 1-6....
    On Sunday, each child will perform the bible story she/he has memorized. Please feel free to choose the story your own, but be sure to give me the link/copy of the story.
We did not do bible story in this week's class, but we will do next week, so be sure to be prepared:)

Linlin: 兒童聖經故事 1. 神創造的世界.
Selena: 兒童聖經故事 2. 約瑟.
Andrew:兒童聖經故事 4 .蒲草箱裡的嬰兒摩西
Neko:兒童聖經故事 7. 所羅門
Melinda:兒童聖經故事 8. 約拿
Fiona :兒童聖經故事 12. 善良的鄰居

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