Saturday, October 22, 2022

Pinyin 拼音

aoe ywu jqx gkh zhi chi shi zhi chi shi r ai ei ao in en un Here are the primary differences from American English: a ah, the sound when a doctor wants to see your throat c cats, now you know 'can' is really ts-ah-n! e her, without the 'r' sound  i he, not 'eye' o or, without the 'r' sound q chin, e.g. 'quan' is chew-ah-n u too, not 'you' x show z seeds zh drew

中国古代朝代顺序 夏、商、周、秦、西、东汉、 三国、两晋、十六、南北朝、 隋、唐、五代、又十国、 宋、辽、西夏, 金、元、明、清。