Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-06-29


本周课堂回答问题和课堂表现得分(This week's scoreboard):
Neko 35分
Linlin 30分
Selena 33分
Neko 10分+10分
Linlin 10分+10分
Selena 10分+10分
测验得分:我们本课出现的生字不少也不太容易理解,但 同学们通过反复练习都能熟练认每一个生字。
Neko 10分
Linlin 10分
Selena 10分
Score Board - 2014 Summer Chinese Class

  1. 请同学们这一周做第三课作业。能背诵和解释本课金句。
  2. 每天练习三分钟“儿童圣经故事”. Each day, the student should practice/memorize 1-3 sentences accumulatively.
    day one, sentence 1-3,
    day 2, sentences 1-5,
    day 3 sentences 1-6....
    On Sunday, each child will perform the bible story she/he has memorized. Please feel free to choose the story your own, but be sure to give me the link/copy of the story.
We did not do bible story in this week's class, but we will do next week, so be sure to be prepared:)

Linlin: 兒童聖經故事 1. 神創造的世界.
Selena: 兒童聖經故事 2. 約瑟.
Andrew:兒童聖經故事 4 .蒲草箱裡的嬰兒摩西

Neko:兒童聖經故事 7. 所羅門
Melinda:兒童聖經故事 8. 約拿
Feoina:兒童聖經故事 12. 善良的鄰居

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-06-22


本周课堂回答问题和课堂表现得分(This week's scoreboard):
Neko 35分
Linlin 30分
Selena 33分
Neko 10分+10分
Linlin 10分+10分
Selena 10分+10分
测验得分:我们本课出现的生字不少也不太容易理解,但 同学们通过反复练习都能熟练认每一个生字。
Neko 10分
Linlin 10分
Selena 10分
Score Board - 2014 Summer Chinese Class

  1. 请同学们这一周做从第十八页到第二十五页。能背诵和解释本课金句。第十八页和二十二页需要家长帮助读几遍词语。注意多音字。第二十页不用做。
  2. 每天练一遍本周中文歌曲。
  3. 每天练习三分钟“儿童圣经故事”. Each day, the student should practice/memorize 1-3 sentences accumulatively.
    day one, sentence 1-3, 
    day 2, sentences 1-5, 
    day 3 sentences 1-6....
    On Sunday, each child will perform the bible story she/he has memorized. Please feel free to choose the story your own, but be sure to give me the link/copy of the story. 
We did not do bible story in this week's class, but we will do next week, so be sure to be prepared:)

Linlin: 兒童聖經故事 1. 神創造的世界.
Selena: 兒童聖經故事 2. 約瑟.
Andrew:兒童聖經故事 4 .蒲草箱裡的嬰兒摩西

Neko:兒童聖經故事 7. 所羅門
Melinda:兒童聖經故事 8. 約拿
Fiona :兒童聖經故事 12. 善良的鄰居

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-06-16

Summer Chinese Bible Class Started!

Below is our new Score Board for our Summer Chinese Class.
Score Board - 2014 Summer Chinese Class
The Final score will be mainly based on the Average Score not the Total Score. Therefore, you do not need to worry about if you missed any class due to vacation or sickness.
本周中文课得分(This week's scoreboard):
Andew 31分
Neko 29分
Linlin 30分
Selena 28分
  1. 第一课的拆字和练习一到练习三。
  2. 每天练一遍本周中文歌曲。
  3. 每天练习三分钟“儿童圣经故事” (If you would like to choose your own story, please feel free to do so, but be sure to give me the link/copy of your child's story. I found other set of good stories like
Linlin: (儿童圣经故事 创世记)
Fiona :

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly News 本周简报 2014-06-09

祝贺 NeKo得到第一课到第十二课期末考试第一名(110分)!! Neko was super fast, accuate, and neat! Congradulations to NeKo!
Linlin and Andrew 第二名(100分) They worked very hard to compete each question perfectly.Congradulations to Linlin and Andrew got the perfect score!
Selena 第三名(99分) Selena missed a few month of classes, but she did super well on the exam. She worked very hard and her writing was supper neat! Congradulations to Selena!

我们本周放假。没有任何作业:-D :-D
如果还没交, 请交$24书费。支票(to CCCGA) 或现金。J
今年CCCGA中文圣经故事比赛: 8月24日的主日
Each student assigned one bible story.

If you would like to choose your own story, please feel free to do so, but be sure to give me the link/copy of your child's story. I found other set of good stories like

We can let the student try the stories the first wek then we decide which story he/she will choose for the Competition.

希望各位家长帮助你们的孩子每天训练三到五分钟. 每天(一周五天)练习同样的内容(本故事段落)。把整个故事分成句子。每周根据个人的水平背几句话。你可以自己调节每周背多少句话。到8月24日,抛除度假,我们有两月。所以每个同学有足够的时间熟背至少一个故事




Chinese Bible Story 4: Noah's Ark (儿童圣经故事 挪亚方舟)

May God bless each family and our children each day!