晒太阳 Sunbathe Quiz

晒太阳                                    Taking Photos
晒衣服                                    Illumination, light up  
照明                                        Photos      
照亮                                       dry Clothes in the sun          
照相                                       Sunbathe,  Enjoy the Sunshine                       
照片                                       Illuminate, brightening                                     
好处                                       Ordinary             
处处, 到处                             Look for
寻常                                       Benefit, good things             
寻找                                       Familiar              
很熟                                       Everywhere                           
太熟                                       Mature                         
不熟                                       Acquaintance     
成熟                                       Very familiar      
熟人                                       Unfamiliar                    
衣服                                       Heat           
西服                                        Warm                  
服装                                       Warm, cozy        
暖和                                       Suit            
暖气                                        Clothing
暖洋洋                                    Clothing, suit                        
才好                                        Only to      
饼烤多久才好吃                   That is not Mingming, this is Mingmin
才要                                        Just right   
不要等到很晚了,才要开始做作业       Just left, Just went...
才是                                       Sound and healthy     
那不是明明,这才是明明     How long should cook the bread so it is just right?
才去                                       Sound and healthy Body     
他才去了公园                       She just went to the park
健康                                       Health       
健康的生体                           Do not wait until too late only to start doing homework
健全                                       healthy Body

健全的生体                           only Is

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